The Charles Dickens Letters Project

social issues


Extract in Sotheby’s online catalogue, July 2018.

Date: shortly after Lord Ashley's introduction of CD to Horner, on 12 Feb 1841; likely a response to a first letter from Horner.2

regretting that he is not aware of having it in his power to assist Mr Horner in his great object3

  • 1. Leonard Horner (1785-1864; Dictionary of National Biography); factory inspector, geologist, and educationist. Between 1840 and 1843, member of the Children's Employment Commission; published On the Employment of Children in Factories in the United Kingdom and in some Foreign Countries (1840). Introduced to CD by Lord Ashley (see Pilgrim Letters 2, p. 164n).
  • 2. Lord Ashley wrote to CD on 12 Feb 1841: “Your knowledge of the poorer Classes might greatly assist the labours of the Commission; and I feel confident, therefore, that you will not only give them the benefit of your experience, but will also excuse the trouble this request may impose on you” (Pilgrim Letters 2, p. 165n).
  • 3. That is, the inspection of factories for their use of child labour.