The Charles Dickens Letters Project

public readings

To ARTHUR SMITH,1 [1858]

Envelope only.
Text from facsimile on eBay, July 2022.
Address: Arthur Smith Esquire | Egyptian Hall | Piccadilly | London | W.

Date: Handwriting supports 1858.



  • 1. Arthur William Watson Smith (1825-61; Oxford Dictionary of National Biography); after a medical education, acted as an impresario and business manager to his brother, Albert Smith (1816-60), most notably for the Mont Blanc entertainments at the Egyptian Hall from 1852 to 1858. He managed CD's public readings in 1858, and then again in 1861, until his death on 1 Oct. He was founder of the Fielding fund for relief of the literary and theatrical destitute, and was also active in the Thames Fisheries Protection Society; in 1861 wrote a brochure for the society called The Thames Angler.